Check out my blog below on the Top 6 Fat burning foods below that will help you lose weight:
The top five fat loss foods that are beneficial to helping you get lean and attain your fitness goals is #1 being oatmeal. Oatmeal is a great fat burner and easy to cook and it is important in paying attention to some oatmeal packages that have high sugar content when consuming oatmeal. #2 is a plain old fashioned chicken breast. Always make sure the chicken is very lean with minimal fat. The leanest meat typically is breasts so make that the first option when purchasing your chicken. #3 is Egg Whites and it is great for dieting and losing weight. If you take the yolk out you will gain more grams of protein. Each egg typically contains about an average of 6 to 7 grams of protein. #4 fat loss food is good old brown rice and it is a slow starchy carbohydrate.
Make sure to consume your brown rice no later than the afternoon time to prevent consumption of carbs during the evening time which can lead to fat gain if consumption is late at night. #5 is Fish Oils and the best fish oils is Omega 3 and Omega 6 which ramp up the fat burning effect of your day to day activity.
And lastly a great fat burning food is asparagus as I use this quite a bit when I need a natural diuretic to rid the last water deposits from my body before a photo-shoot or competition. Asparagus contains the chemical asparagine and it is an alkaloid that directly affects the cells and breaks down fat. It also contains a chemical that helps to remove waste from the body which in turns helps to reduce fat levels.
Hey obi! great info man! thanks! its franko slice of facebook, ill hold this into consideration! :) laters dude