Does creatine make you gain weight? When you first take creatine, you will initially gain some weight and that is due to the water retention from it. Creatine can cause rapid fluid water retention in the muscles, and you can see a weight gain of 2 to 3lbs give or take. Any weight gain that happens from taking creatine only happens in the first week.

Does creatine make you gain weight? iStock-photo credit: joseantona

Your muscles will hold onto the water giving your body that bloated look. Research studies have shown that creatine supplementation can increase lean muscle mass and strength increases. Some of the fitness enthusiasts that take creatine for muscle gain purposes confuse the premature weight gain to muscle gain.

Which isn’t true you are just retaining water from the initial consumption during the first week.
The best way to rid water retention is to exercise. So any type of cardiovascular workout will help to burn it off. The more you workout the less water you will retain. One of the main benefits of taking creatine is it helps your muscles use energy. It provides your body with energy when it comes to high intensity exercises.

If you choose not to obtain creatine from food, you can obtain it from any red meat or seafood. But it is easier to consume it through a dietary supplement as opposed to red meat. You would have to consume quite a bit of red meat to fulfill your fitness/dietary goal requirements when it comes to obtaining creatine from food.

Creatine helps your body produce more ATP which is the neurotransmitter and that is your body’s primary energy source. Some of the side effects of taking too much creatine are nausea, muscle cramps, diarrhea, dizziness, etc.

If you take creatine along with consuming a high protein diet while incorporating some form of resistance training, it will help you build lean muscle mass over time.

The Bottom Line is taking creatine will make you gain weight when you first take it. That initial weight gain is water retention from increasing your muscles cells with water. If you have any interest in trying any of our online diet and weight loss programs to help you shed body fat and achieve your best body, then click on the link below.
About Author- Obi Obadike

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